
Showing posts from March, 2021

Advanced Local SEO Strategies for Increased Visibility -

By Adrian Cruce Just like all parts of search engine optimization, local SEO keeps evolving. This is especially the case right now because the evolution of smart gadgets has allowed us to easily access the internet through various mobile devices. Unfortunately, because of the huge rate of growth for technology we're seeing right now, most SEO specialists are not up-to-date with all you can do for local search engine rankings. They are just using common strategies, like getting listings in Google My Business or similar directories. If this is all that you're doing, your rankings will not be as high as they could be. Do you want to rank higher in local searches? If so, start using these advanced local SEO strategies. 1. Focus on visibility, not on rankings It is normal to want to rank higher in local searches, but if this is your only goal, you will have trouble getting to the top. Also, it is not just the top ranks and listings that get a lot of traffic, and this i

Pharma Groups to Face Antitrust Suit Over Drug Import Websites - Bloomberg Tax

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy must face antitrust claims over its alleged scheme to "choke off" online information about affordable Canadian drugs by blacklisting websites that include foreign pharmacies in their comparison shopping features, a federal judge in Manhattan ruled. Judge Kenneth M. Karas let LLC move forward with allegations that pharmaceutical trade groups led by the NABP engineered an illegal boycott through a "coordinated misinformation campaign" aimed at search engines, social media companies, shippers, and payment processors. PharmacyChecker offered significant "circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy," including "joint press releases," meetings "and other communications suggesting that defendants...

Industry Groups Call On U.K. to Defuse Brewing Trade War With U.S. - WWD

LONDON —  British fashion, luxury and beauty lobbies have joined a growing chorus of voices calling on the U.K. government to defuse trade tensions with the U.S. over a new tech tax that will come into force here on Thursday. The tax targets the local operations of American tech giants including Google, Facebook and Apple, and the U.S. has said it will retaliate by imposing 25 percent tariffs on a slew of luxury British exports, raising a potential $325 million. Goods that could be subject to the new tariffs include overcoats, dresses, leather shoes, gold jewelry, cosmetics and fragrances, with the U.S. due to make a decision in the next few weeks and any new duties coming into force over the summer. "Potential for retaliation for U.K. digital services act by the U.S. administration was anticipated, but it is disappointing, particularly as the U.S. recently dropped trade tariffs on U.K. luxury goods resulting from the Boeing-Airbus dispute," said Helen

Small business marketing costs more than ever | Business | - The Leader

Editor's note: This is Part II of a three-part series on marketing for small businesses. In Part I of this series on small business marketing, we laid out the evidence that easy marketing tools on digital and social media do not mean digital and social media marketing is easy. It's not. Don't believe a single person who tells you otherwise. Even when that 20-something down the street tells you social media is way easy, that person is way wrong. Look at any survey of small business owners – national all the way down to our own company's recent Small Business Sentiment Survey – and you'll find more and more companies begrudging the difficulty of this new era in marketing. Why is that? Three reasons. A new language of small business marketing Let's be honest for a moment and at least admit most small business owners do not understand the language of digital and social media marketing. You may think you understand SEO, or Ad Words, or Boosted Posts or

Top 25 SEO Writing Tools to Earn More Traffic From Google - Search Engine Journal

All-In-One SEO & Writing Tools Tools for Just the 'SEO' Part Tools for Just the 'Writing' Part Conclusion Even though today Google understands us better than ever before (that goes for every day, by the way), creating content that ranks is about much more than just writing a good copy. Sure, you still need to write a good copy. Plus do your keyword and competitor research, and optimize the HTML tags, and use schema – the list goes on to 700 points. The tools presented here will help you keep track of all the moving parts. Every tool here is a trusted ally, taking care of your content's optimization, readability, or both at the same time. All-In-One SEO & Writing Tools 1. SEMrush Writing Assistant Advantages Advertisement Continue Reading Below SEMrush is one of the mainstays of the SEO industry in general. In their Writing Assistant, simply enter the keywords you're looking to rank for, and start typing

New SEO Tool Gathers Google Search Insights From 60M Queries - Search Engine Journal

A new, free tool for SEOs provides insights about Google search features from an analysis of 60 million US queries. Developed by Local SEO Guide, the Local-Pack-O-Meter tracks data for ten different types of Google search features such as local packs, knowledge panels, shopping, job postings, ads, and more. What separates the Local-Pack-O-Meter apart from other tools that monitor Google search features is the amount of data it has access to. Traject Data, a client of Local SEO Guide, supplies the SERP stats from roughly 60 million US search queries. The significantly larger sample size, compared to similar tools, may result in data that's more representative of all US queries. "While tools like MozCast have their own versions of a SERP Feature tracker, these are typically only for a relatively small number of keywords (1,000 for MozCast). When we heard "60 million" we thought that could give us a much more accurate picture of what the SERP real estate looks l

Keywords for Your SEO Strategy - Live Insurance News - Live Insurance News

Keyword research is one of the most important SEO practices to employ in your marketing strategy. While you can use several tools and techniques to find the right keywords, the process is still much more challenging than it sounds. No matter what your objectives are, keyword research is essential in SEO and content optimization. You may not realize it, but your chosen keywords greatly impact your strategy's results. Content quality is naturally also important in marketing, but before your content can reach users, you must first find the most common keyword searches they are making. However, doing this is much harder done than said. Over the years, Google has made changes in its guidelines and algorithms, affecting the type of keywords you must choose. In fact, search behavior is constantly evolving, so it is crucial that you always review your keywords to see if they are still relevant. How can you then choose the right keywords for your SEO strategy? Check out some of th

Search Engine Optimization for Law Firms - The National Law Review

Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Last week, we covered Good2bSocial's Digital Academy's course on paid social media advertising for law firms, outlining the importance of developing a paid social media search campaign for law firms, and how law firms can use targeted advertising on social media. Good2bSocial's Digital Academy includes eight modules that provide legal marketers with essential knowledge of digital marketing concepts, including a course on search engine optimization (SEO). Good2bSocial's Digital Academy course helps legal marketers establish a baseline of digital marketing concepts through videos, articles, podcasts and completing assignments it also provides law firm marketing departments an objective way to assess team members or potential hires legal marketing knowledge. Good2bSocial's Digital Marketing Academy refines social media, content marketing, and SEO best practices and applies them to the legal services industry. Per Guy Alvarez

Keyword Clusters: How to Level up Your SEO Content Strategy - Search Engine Journal

What Are Keyword Clusters? How to Create Keyword & Topic Clusters Step 1: Make Your Keyword List Step 2: Segment Your Keywords Into Groups A Closer Look at Two Keyword Clusters Is Keyword Clustering Really Worth All of the Work? Over the last few years, Google's engineering team has directed its focus towards natural language processing and a deeper understanding of how on-page content interrelates. Neural matching helped Google understand synonyms. BERT helped Google understand those tricky prepositions. With every core update, Google gets more literary. But despite Google getting smarter, many site owners still optimize their websites with only a few keyword targets in mind. This is an outdated practice, especially when we know our landing pages often end up ranking for hundreds of keywords anyway. For those of us who have been following along since the early days of Google, this feels like a brave new world for on-page SEO. As Google's NLP capab

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