
Showing posts from April, 2021

7 Ways to Use Alexa Ranking to Grow Your Business Today - Business 2 Community

Alexa ranking is an often misunderstood, but incredibly useful tool. Whether you're starting a blog or looking for affiliate marketing opportunities, Alexa rank provides essential data — if you know how to use it. Owned by Amazon, (not to be confused with the Alexa device) was the first free traffic rank service. In 2019 it's still a relevant and valuable tool that delivers a variety of web analytics. In this article, you'll learn seven important ways to use its most important metric, traffic rankings . And why the conclusions from these daily-use strategies are not only safe to act upon, they're valuable and will help you grow your online business. A mountain of misinformation exists about Alexa. Why? Partly because it's the oldest (1996) and the most widely used tool of its kind. Early reviewers correctly mentioned problems but missed the fact that those problems did not invalidate Alexa's usefulness. Subsequent reviews spread the misinfo

Ranked: The 50 Most Visited Websites in the World | - Visual Capitalist

Cryptocurrencies have been some of the most talked-about assets in recent months, with bitcoin and ether prices reaching record highs. These gains were driven by a flurry of announcements, including increased adoption by businesses and institutions. Lesser known, however, is just how much electricity is required to power the Bitcoin network. To put this into perspective, we've used data from the University of Cambridge's Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) to compare Bitcoin's power consumption with a variety of countries and companies. Why Does Bitcoin Mining Require So Much Power? When people mine bitcoins, what they're really doing is updating the ledger of Bitcoin transactions, also known as the blockchain. This requires them to solve numerical puzzles which have a 64-digit hexadecimal solution known as a hash . Miners may be rewarded with bitcoins, but only if they arrive at the solution before others. It is for this reason that Bitcoin mining fac

2021 CRN Big Data 100: 18 Business Analytics Companies to Consider - Solutions Review

Source: CRN IT news and analysis outlet CRN recently released its 2021 (and ninth annual) Big Data 100 , a ranking of prominent big data technology vendors that solution providers should be aware of. The list is made up of established and emerging big data tools vendors. The list is broken down into five distinct product categories that include business analytics, database systems, data management and data integration, big data platforms, and data science and machine learning tools. CRN pre-published a list of The Coolest Business Analytics Companies included in the overall list via an interactive slideshow. Though the Big Data 100 is aimed at highlighting software vendors for the purposes of solution provider partnering, Solutions Review is most interesting in highlighting the vendors from that offer unique products and platforms for enterprise organizations. As such, we've read through CRN's complete rankings, available here, to analyze the trending business analytics

Google Maps: Tips For Local SEO - Promotion World

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential part of the business to ensure greater visibility and search ability across the world. However, companies targeting the local market aim to understand deeper Local SEO . Local search engine optimization (SEO) is all about optimizing a website so that it can be found in local search engine results. With local SEO, you have to have a thoughtful and straight procedure that differs from overall SEO. Users often use search terms like "malls in [city name]" or even "malls near me," so you want to make sure that your company is visible to users searching for a company like yours in your region. Back in August 2015, Google made enormous changes in local research history that greatly changed the experience of consumers and SEO pros. The very first thing users and SEO experts noticed was when they hunted for a local business or establishment, they'd see 3 major search results instead of 7 which were revealed previou

What online retailers can expect as high street footfall increases - Retail Insight Network

For many, the return of in-store retail symbolises the UK's continued road to recovery. The signs for the sector are good, with early data from UK-based retail intelligence company Springboard revealing that in the first week of UK retail reopening, footfall was just 25% lower than in the same week in 2019. Springboard also found that the first week of post-lockdown brick-and-mortar trading this year was the same level in sales volume that was achieved after two months following the UK's initial lockdown in 2020. But what does this mean for online retailers who have experienced such a dramatic change in growth over the past year driven by the lockdowns? What can they do to compete with a reinvigorated high street and ensure that online retail is cemented in consumer shopping habits for good? Software company Oracle NetSuite retail industry principal Zak Rafiq tells Retail Insight Network about what retailers can expect amid increasing footfall and why a direct-to-consum

Caywood Propane's Strategy for Higher Sales Volume - Butane-Propane News (BPN)

In the second installment of BPN's marketing series on unique selling propositions, we caught up with Chris Caywood, president of Caywood Propane Gas Inc., with offices in Hudson, Michigan. Learn what he had to say about how his company adapts to changing market trends, doing business in an ongoing pandemic and more below. Read the first installment of our series on our website at BPN: What makes Caywood Propane unique in the marketplace? CC: We spend a lot of time thinking about that question. When I first got active in the business about five years ago, one of the first questions I asked my team was, 'Why should a customer buy from us instead of another provider?' And the answers they gave me were 'great service' and 'great prices.' The problem is, there really isn't a retailer out there promoting bad service at high prices. After a while, we zeroed in on three characteristics that distinguish us from other retailers —

Increase your Google Maps Rankings With 5 Effective SEO Tips - The Marketing Folks

About 46% of searches performed on Google are in pursuit of information on nearby businesses and the services they may offer. Three-quarters of these searchers end up visiting local businesses for products/services they find online within the same day. Eventually, 28 percent of the visitors will usually end up making a purchase at that business. That's an opportunity you don't want to miss out on if your business relies on walk-in traffic, or local online enquires, to any extent. Therefore, time to arm yourself with some local SEO tips to help increase your online visibility. Table of Contents: hide Polish up Your Business Listings Does your business have online directory listings yet? You need to establish your presence on all major portals if you haven't done so already. A recent study showed that online listings have the most sway over local search rankings. In particular, a well-optimized Google My Business listing can capture almost as much traffic as a

Local SEO for Law Firms: Get More Local Clients - Search Engine Journal

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the leading marketing strategies for law firms because prospective clients routinely use search engines like Google to find lawyers in their area. A simple search for "best family lawyer" near me is likely to bring up a slew of law firms – both in the regular organic results and in Google Maps. That means multiple law firms are competing for those top spots to attract the most clients. If you own a law firm, you'll want to rise to the top, so your firm gets noticed ahead of your competitors. To do this, you'll need to implement a local SEO strategy that attracts clients from your local area. What Is Local SEO for Law Firms? Local SEO is a type of search engine optimization that involves optimizing your website for local – i.e., geo-specific search. That means if someone is looking for a service in their local area and/or are using localized search terms (like "best lawyer in Seattle"), you can attempt to ran

Google MAP Ranking: SEO Expert Launches New Book: Rank Your - GlobeNewswire

New York City, NY , April 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Learn Google MAP Ranking in 2021 Google Maps Ranking: SEO Expert Qamar Zaman has announced the launch of his new book "The Mystery Behind Google Maps Ranking: How to Rank Your Business Higher." It is now available both in Kindle and Paperback, and is available from Amazon. In a time when small businesses are typically found through more than a thousand Google searches every month, Zaman wanted local businesses to appear on the top of Google search results and drive customers to their websites. In a new book, Qamar Zaman helps local business owners rank on Google maps using Google best practices. The new book, The Mysteries Behind Google Maps Ranking, teaches what it takes to rank on maps through online press release coverage. In a recent video John Muller of Google search also suggested that one way to get business visibility is using press. This will help get the message out and help consumers find you. Sourc

How to Integrate Online and Offline Activity to Make More Informed Marketing Decisions - Total Retail

How people consume and engage with a brand differs online and offline. Both are important for nurturing consumers and moving them along the journey to conversion. Integrating your online and offline marketing strategies can help to deliver a consistent brand message, and is more effective at driving action from consumers than treating both mediums in silos. In this article, I examine why businesses should look to integrate their online and offline marketing, and how successful integration can help campaign teams make more informed decisions. Why is it Important to Integrate Online and Offline Marketing? Customers want to benefit from the advantages of both online and offline services, consuming information across all channels whenever and wherever they decide. They want the ease of buying through digital platforms and the personal offering that comes with buying products in-store. While it's important to ensure your offline and online marketing strategies cater to the differing

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