
Showing posts from May, 2021

9 SEO Ranking Factors You Need to Know - YourStory

Search Engine Optimization is a most important and helpful way to drive organic traffic to your website.  However, ranking the website in the top 10 search engine rankings is not an easy feat since it takes time and commitment to see good results. You should be aware of some SEO ranking factors to get your site on the search's first page.  Search engines tend to update the ranking factors to provide searchers with the best results. 9 important SEO ranking factors you must be aware of; Site Security Mobile-Friendliness Page Speed User Engagement Quality Content Technical SEO Backlinks Domain Age and Authority Crawlability Site Security: There is no surprise that this factor ranks at the beginning of the list. As Google stated in 2014, that HTTPS will be a ranking factor.  Since search engines want their users to visit only trustworthy sites, it is crucial for those who have a website to have an SSL certificate to secure their site. So how to find

10 Keyword Density Checkers (And How They Still Can Help Your SEO) - Business 2 Community

First, let's clarify the idea. Today, semantic search reigns, as well as high-quality content, and great user experience. Search engines focus on topical relevance instead of matching queries to exact keywords. So as a concept for ranking improvement keyword density has long died. However, if we get a new angle on it as a part of a more complex process of content analysis, it may still help SEO. How? As we strive for producing highly valuable and relevant content, we still want to rank for certain keywords. So balancing on what to consider good optimization, it's quite logical to make sure that target keywords are not just sufficiently arranged across our page but look natural there and are not overused. And here come two options. The simplest way is to turn to an old good keyword density checker and calculate how often a keyword is repeated on a page. There's a more complex process that implies examining how often a keyword is used on a web page compared to how often

SERP Analysis Tools For SEO and Ranking? - Search Engine Journal

A relatively new type of tool analyzes the search engines results pages (SERPs) and provides recommendations based on statistical analysis of similarities shared between the top ranked sites. But some in the search community have doubts about the usefulness of this kind of tool. SERP Correlation Analysis and Lack of Causation This kind of analysis is called Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Correlation Analysis. SERP analysis is research that analyzes Google search results to identify factors in ranked web pages. The SEO community has found startling correlations in the past by studying search results. One analysis discovered that top ranked sites tended to have Facebook pages with a lot of likes. Of course, those top ranked sites were not top ranking because of the Facebook likes. Just because the top ranked sites share certain features does not mean that those features caused them to rank better. And that lack of actual cause between the factors in common and the actu

The technical SEO hierarchy of needs - Search Engine Land

What makes a site become the best site it can be? Healthy, functional sites that have reached their full SEO potential have been optimized based on market and keyword research, E-A-T, content relevance to search intent, backlink profiles, and more. But they all have one thing in common: their technical SEO needs are met. Your site's technical SEO needs form a hierarchy. If needs lower in the hierarchy aren't met, needs on the next level are difficult to fulfill. Each level responds to a different requirement in the world of search engines: crawlability, indexability, accessibility, rankability, and clickability. Understanding what each level of the pyramid involves helps make technical SEO look less intimidating without oversimplifying its role in making a website great. The foundations of technical SEO: crawlability At the foundation of the pyramid of technical SEO needs is a URL's crawlability. Crawlability concerns a URL's ability to be discovered by se

Crawlability: Just How Well Can Google Crawl JavaScript - Search Engine People

Google has crawled JavaScript since 2008. The idea that Google can crawl these types of pages is nothing new. The problem? Google wasn't able to gather a whole lot of amount of information from JavaScript pages, limiting their ability to be rendered and found over HTML websites. Now, Google has evolved, or so it seems. "Blogs that use JavaScript have started to see more pages crawled and indexed over the past year, which clearly means Google's evolving its support of this language." -- Matt Banner, OnBlastBlog. Which Google's Bot Does The Crawling? Some industry experts have speculated whether Google uses separate bots to crawl JavaScript websites versus regular HTML sites. The quick answer is no, according to John Mueller, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google. Still, Mueller was quick to follow up and say that JavaScript won't always render the first time Google crawls the page. "The timing of when Google crawls the code on the page

8-step SEO Crawl Audit for Ecommerce - Practical Ecommerce

Your site won't rank if search engine bots can't crawl it. And hidden doors that don't impact human visitors can lock bots out. Analyzing crawls will reveal and unlock the hidden doors. Then bots can enter your site, access your information, and index it so that it can appear in search results. Use the following eight steps to ensure search bots can access your entire ecommerce site. Site Blockers Can bots enter the site? First, check to see if you need to unlock the front door. The arcane robots.txt  text file has the power to tell bots not to crawl anything on your site. Robots.txt is always named the same and located in the same place on your domain: . Make sure robots.txt doesn't "disallow," or block, search engine bots from your site. Call your developer team immediately if your robots.txt file includes the commands below. User-agent: * Disallow: / Rendering Can bots render your site? Once they

3 Efficient Search Engine Optimization Strategies to Employ - Business 2 Community

Some search engine optimization strategies work, and others do not. When in doubt, it is best to make use of three SEO strategies before all others. There are dozens of different search engine optimization strategies one can employ to efficiently promote his or her website. Of course, three techniques must be understood before examining any others. These tactics have been proven time and time again to provide steadfast results. An individual should take the required time to learn them correctly if he or she wants to succeed at SEO . SEO Article Marketing This search engine optimization approach is one of the most effective and popular ones. Article marketing involves writing and publishing short articles in an attempt to increase the amount of exposure an individual receives, and increase the number of backlinks pointing towards a specific website. To succeed in SEO you should know the basic principles of search engines presented in SEO beginner's guide on how Google Search w

Guide to on-page search engine optimization - Search Engine Land

One of the chief ways to optimize your website for users and search is to target a specific theme – represented in a unique keyword or phrase on each individual page. The keyword you are targeting for each page should be found in the page's title tag, description tag, H1 tag, and body copy. The keyword should also appear in the URL and internal or inbound links pointing to the page. Images on the page should support the theme and their filenames and alt attribute tags should be thematic, too, where natural. All of this is easier said than done. There are several challenges with proper on-page optimization. It is time consuming and influenced by a wide range of very specific parameters and best practices. But it is important to get these elements "right." This white paper offers tips and a template to help establish a useful foundation for your on-page optimization efforts. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download the "On-Page Search Engine Optimization: Templa

Why Your Company Does Not Show On Page One of Google Search And How To Fix It - TechBullion

Search Engine Optimization is an essential part of digital marketing and advertising. It determines how high you are ranked on Google search. SEO involves using specific keywords and phrases to increase visibility in search engines and easily attract quality users. Arguably, billions of users are searching for items to buy from Google Search. Therefore, optimizing a small business website will significantly help the business to succeed. However, if your website lacks trust, authority, or relevancy, it will not be ranked or might get removed from search results. Due to this, your small business will not appear on the first page. Accordingly, you might start to question why SEO failed and rush to hire someone like Scott Keever SEO Naples for strategized marketing. Reasons Why Your Company Fail to Appear On The First Page And How To Fix It Lack Of Optimized Content Content is optimized using keywords placed on the heading, title tag, and body, UR

When Is It Time to Give Up on an SEO Campaign? - Entrepreneur

May 31, 2021 5 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If you're like most modern companies, you've at least flirted with the idea of starting a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign. Maybe SEO has allowed you to capture a massive stream of inbound traffic and currently represents the most successful element of your marketing strategy. Or maybe you're somewhere in between.  The appeal of SEO is pretty obvious. Rank higher in search engines, and you'll get more inbound traffic. More inbound traffic leads to more revenue. And because SEO is relatively inexpensive, the return on investment (ROI) is often favorable even in merely decent campaigns.   That said, there are some important downsides to SEO that you must consider. Notably, SEO takes a long time to develop and show its true results.   So what are you supposed to do if you're not seeing results? Should you keep investing, waiting and hoping for the best? Or do you

Optimise Your Website With Free SEO Tools Online - Forbes India

Who does not enjoy free stuff? But if you have just started a new E-commerce website or a blog then free stuff that increases the traffic on your website and helps you climb higher in the search engine result rankings sounds like a dream, right?This is exactly what Free SEO Tools Online do. They optimize web content by checking for keywords, backlinks and more. They find out the hindrances to web pages being placed higher in the search engine results list.If used properly then free SEO tools online can be very helpful for any web page. There is an abundance of free SEO tools online on the internet. But a huge number of them are junk. They do not perform the function that they promise so if you own a web page and want to improve your web page's performance on the search engine results list then you must have a sound knowledge of free SEO tools online. But don't worry, if you are not aware of which free SEO tool to use. Read on for more information about the top 5 SEO tools onl

10 Best SEO Tools 2021 On Sale: Apps Sure To Increase Your Presence, Ranking Online - International Business Times

It's 2021 and SEO is stronger than ever. With web algorithms updating numerous times each year, it's important to know the best SEO tools that can help boost your rankings online. SEO tools are time and effort savers when it comes to keyword research and data analysis. Other SEO tools can even help optimize your content and even assess your website's performance.  Invest in the best SEO tools and save a lot of time and effort trying to improve your online presence and ranking. Here are a few we've found on AppSumo that's on sale. Squirrly all-in-one SEO tool Photo: This all-in-one SEO tool makes your life a lot easier by offering customized to-dos from an AI SEO consultant for better rankings, plus step-by-step guidance on implementation.  With Squirrly, discover untapped keyword ideas and analyze their potential with its built-in keyword research tool, plus clear-cut intelligence for every keyword researched, including search volume, compet

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