
Showing posts from February, 2024

How to lead brands through ‘the steepest learning curve of our professional lives’ - Think with Google

Craig Mawdsley, joint chief strategy officer at AMV BBDO, shares his take on leading brands through this unique moment in history. Working in branding and marketing right now is an extraordinary privilege. However, it may not feel like one in this current moment. It may feel uncertain, unsettling, upsetting. The marketing playbook is gone. Brand strategies for the coronavirus situation are being written (and rewritten) on the fly. Budgets have been frozen or cut. Jobs are at risk. But this is a unique period in world history — the steepest learning curve of all our professional lives. Those who embrace it will emerge as better professionals and maybe even better people. Don't be self

Putting the ‘view’ in view-through conversions - Think with Google

Google's Senior Director of Product Management Babak Pahlavan discusses the importance of viewability for both brand and performance advertising. Nearly four years ago, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Media Rating Council (MRC) created a standard definition of ad viewability: At least 50% of an ad must be in view for a minimum of one second for display ads or two seconds for video ads. But our industry still hasn't fully embraced these guidelines, which has led to individual marketers and media providers using different definitions of what it means for an ad to be visible.

Biggest websites for news US: Top 50 updated each month - Press Gazette

The homepage for the official website of The Independent, the British online newspaper. Picture: Shutterstock The Independent was one of the fastest-growing news sites in the US in January, according to Press Gazette's latest ranking. Top 50 most popular news websites in the UK (monthly ranking) Top 50 most popular news websites in the world (monthly ranking) Visits to the UK publisher's site were up 29% month-on-month to 24.3 million, making it the second-fastest growing news site in the US, according to data from digital intelligence platform, Similarweb. The Independent is one of several UK newsbrands along with The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Express and the BBC that have recently put focus on expansion in the US. Thanks for subscribing. Close The I

35 SEO Tools Every Digital Marketer Should Know in 2024 - Simplilearn

When it comes to SEO, there's a lot to consider. How well do your pages rank? Which keywords work best? How much time should you dedicate to research and implementation? To help guide you in making the right decisions, reduce the amount of time spent analyzing both on-page and off-page SEO, and prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with data, there are helpful SEO tools available. Especially if you're doing both on-page and off-page SEO, you will need to rely on some of these tools to become more efficient and gain a competitive advantage. You'll need tools for keyword research and the technical aspects of SEO. You'll need tools for off-page SEO, including backlink monitoring and analysis. You'll also need tools to help you track how keywords and pages are performing. Fortunately, there are plenty of useful SEO tools available. One of the essential elements of SEO is relevant keywords. You want to find the right keywords that help you rank higher in search,

Did SEO experts ruin the internet or did Google? - The Verge

As the public begins to believe Google isn't as useful anymore, what happens to the cottage industry of search engine optimization experts who struck content oil and smeared it all over the web? Well, they find a new way to get rich and keep the party going. Illustrations by Seba Cestaro for The Verge The alligator got my attention. Which, of course, was the point. When you hear that a 10-foot alligator is going to be released at a rooftop bar in South Florida, at a party for the people being accused of ruining the internet, you can't quite stop yourself from being curious. If it was a link — "WATCH: 10-foot Gator Prepares to Maul Digital Marketers" — I would have clicked. But it was an IRL opportunity to meet the professionals who specialize in this kind of gimmick, the people turning online life into what one tech writer recently called a "search-optimized hellhole." So I booked a plane ticket to the Sunshine State.  I wanted to understand: what

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