
Showing posts from May, 2022

How to Find Content Topics for SEO - Practical Ecommerce

Phrases with good search volume and relatively low keyword difficulty scores have the potential to drive lots of organic search traffic. These phrases can be an excellent source of content marketing ideas. Content marketing and search engine optimization work hand-in-glove to provide useful, informative, or entertaining content that performs well in search. Think of it this way. SEO and content marketing are together filling an information gap. Potential customers are querying Google or another search engine because they need something — perhaps a tutorial, information, or a product. And the content marketer is responding to that need. Volume, Difficulty There are many ways to generate content topic ideas. A good content marketer will use several. One such approach is to employ SEO tools to identify keyphrases with search potential — i.e., sufficient query volume to make the topic worthwhile and not so much that ranking is unlikely. Thus: Discover key phrases used by thou

SaaS Homepage SEO: Keywords, Linking & More - Search Engine Journal

Start-up SaaS websites typically consist of the home page and maybe a handful of supporting pages – neither of which offer any SEO value. A good SaaS homepage will drive conversions and improve your business on the whole. But how do you optimize yours? In this article, you will learn about SaaS homepage SEO challenges, the role your homepage plays in SEO, and different keywords to consider when optimizing a SaaS homepage. Why Is Homepage SEO So Challenging For SaaS Brands, Specifically? Let's face it, homepage SEO is confusing for almost everyone. Whether it is a SaaS company, a local company, or another business type, you'll find many in each vertical who struggle to make good use of this real estate from an SEO perspective. At the same time, the homepage is also the one asset almost every business cares about the most. It's often the primary landing page, regardless of the traffic source. Because of that, it's also that one asset that most often: Welcome

Electricity from the ocean depths could power entire islands - The Next Web

In the tropics, the deep sea is cold and the sea surface is very warm. That temperature difference can be harnessed and turned into electricity. If we can improve the technology, this method of producing power could be a godsend for island nations reliant on expensive and polluting diesel for their power. For more than a century, researchers have explored the idea of ocean thermal energy conversion. There's nothing fundamentally new to the idea of extracting power from temperature differences. In fact, the underlying technology is similar to the way coal, gas and geothermal power plants create electricity, by using vapor to spin a turbine. The challenge is finding the right spot, where the temperature differences make it worthwhile. That means relatively close to the equator — think north of Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and off the coast of southern Japan. At present, pilot plants are only able to generate a fraction of what a large wind turbine can. But on the positive

Understanding How SEO and PPC Strategies Can Fuel Customer Engagement and Loyalty -

By Wise Marketer Staff Posted on May 6, 2022 Customer engagement is an important predecessor of customer loyalty. Brands today need to build awareness for their product, services, and values as the first step in the customer engagement process. Building awareness for your brand online means you need to have a solid understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC). Many people think these two are competing strategies and nearly mutually exclusive, therefore they typically think of investing in one or the other. Through an interview with Chris Rodgers, the

TikTok overtakes Google as most visited website of 2021 - MobileSyrup

TikTok has become a titan within social and viral content in 2021. So much so that the ByteDance-owned platform has overtaken Google as the most visited website of 2021. CloudFlare, a security company, released this year's annual rankings. It was discovered that Google has finally been usurped as the number one most visited website by users around the world. Google now sits as number two, opening up the top spot for TikTok. The top 10 most popular domains of 2021 are as followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In comparison, TikTok ranked number seven in 2020's rankings. While still very popular, TikTok sat behind websites such as Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, and Amazon in the seventh spot. However, over a mere 12 months, the popularity of TikTok escalated to the point where it was able to overtake each aforementioned websi

A Look at the Most Visited Websites in the US - Social Media Today

What are the most popular websites, and how can overall usage trends help inform digital marketing strategies? It's interesting to consider broader web consumption habits, and the team from SEMRush recently put a listing together on exactly this, showing the most visited websites in December 2021 for US users. In general, there are no major surprises – Google, YouTube, Facebook and Amazon lead the way (though interesting to note desktop versus mobile traffic share), while Wikipedia, Walmart, Instagram and ESPN were also up there. But take a look at Reddit, which was ahead of most other social platforms in terms of traffic. An important clarification here is that this is web traffic, not app use - which is why TikTok, for example, is lower than Pinterest. But it's interesting to note how people are coming across content via web browsers, and how they're searching for and accessing information across each site. That could help you map out a more effective st

9 Creative Ways To Use Google's Keyword Planner Tool - Search Engine Journal

One thing that attracts many entrepreneurial-minded spirits to the SEO industry is its dynamic design. Strategies are changing continuously based on each client's focus and industry, preventing proverbial cookie-cutter practices. This is especially true when approaching keyword research. There are many keyword research tools available, and each requires a unique creative focus to produce the best search opportunities. For this article, I'll home in on one tool from the internet Mothership that sometimes gets sidelined for SEO due to its ad-based focus: Google Keyword Planner. Here, you'll find nine Keyword Planner research tips that can help you target more profitable terms in organic and paid campaigns. 1. Choose Low Volume, High-Reward Keywords First and foremost, you want to know which products, services, and keywords deliver the most profit. With this information, you can create a list of seed keywords to launch your first plan of attack. Generally, I fo

Google Answers if Meta Description Matters for Rankings - Search Engine Journal

Google's John Mueller answered the question about whether a meta description can be used to influence the search rankings. It's a good question because Google advises to use unique meta descriptions on web pages. So there is some kind of influence but is that influence related to rankings? John Mueller answers that question. Meta Element The meta tag is formally known as a meta element. The meta element is used to describe (represent) document-level information about a web page. In order to describe different properties of the web page the meta element (like all HTML elements) has attributes which kind of extends the meta element so that it can provide a specific kind of information to a web browser or to a web crawler (like Googlebot). For example: A meta robots tag communicates to crawlers. A meta refresh tag communicates to a browser. There are many other meta tags that communicate directly to search engines and browsers: meta name="viewport" meta

Top 15 Ways To Secure A WordPress Site - Search Engine Journal

Thankfully, there are plenty of steps you can take to protect your WordPress website. Start With These Easy Security Basics When setting up your WordPress site security, there are some basic things you can do to beef up your protection. Here are some of the first things you should implement to help protect your website. 1. Implement SSL Certificates Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are an industry standard used by millions of websites to protect their online transactions with their customers. Obtaining one should be one of the first steps you take to secure your website. You can buy an SSL certificate, but most hosting providers offer them for free. Next, use a plugin to force HTTPS redirection, which activates the encrypted connection. This standard technology establishes an encrypted connection between a web server (host) and a web browser (client). By adding this encrypted connection, you can ensure that all data passed between the two remains private and in

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