
Showing posts from June, 2022

Landmark National Rules Sets Implementation Details For Cross-Border Data Processing - Data Protection - China - Mondaq

To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on The latest National Rules, the Safety Certification Specifications for Personal Information Cross-border Processing Activities (the "Rules"), marks a significant milestone as the "next-step" legislative action under the current cross-border data processing ("CDP") regime. The Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China ("PIPL") outlines four alternative legal mechanisms regarding CDP, including (1) passing the required security assessment organized by the supervisory authority (the "Security Assessment"); (2) being certified by a specialized agency in accordance with applicable rules (the "Agency Certification"); (3) executing the standardized agreement with the overseas CDP recipient (the "Standardized Agreement"); or (4) satisfying other conditio

What Is The Difference Between Search Queries And Keywords? - Search Engine Journal

[unable to retrieve full-text content] What Is The Difference Between Search Queries And Keywords?    Search Engine Journal

7 Free Chrome Extensions for SEO - Practical Ecommerce

Thanks to a few powerful and free extensions, Google Chrome is my go-to browser for search engine optimization. I'll describe those extensions in this post. Keyword Research I'm constantly seeking new sources of keyword inspiration for new and existing content. Three free Chrome extensions — Keywords Everywhere, Glimpse, and Text Optimizer — are essential to that process. Keywords Everywhere adds keyword data to Google search results. This includes keyword ideas ("Related Keywords" and "People Also Search For") extracted from Google and Google Trends. It also shows the Google Trends graph for your current query. The premium version displays the query's search volume and cost-per-click (from Google Ads' Keyword Planner) directly in search results. It also adds search volume and competition metrics to Google Analytics and Search Console. In short, Keywords Everywhere saves time from downloading multiple sets of data and compiling them into a

Web Design North Offers Top-Quality Local Search Engine Optimization Service - Digital Journal

Web Design North is a company that offers a complete package of internet marketing services. From web consulting, development, and search engine optimization to graphic design, marketing writing, and web hosting, the company can create a custom site suited to a client's unique needs. And with years of experience in the business, they have an extensive portfolio of user-friendly and professional-looking websites they have developed for their clients. Also, through those years, they have gained some insights into what works and what doesn't when it comes to website design, and thus, with them, clients are assured of receiving only the best internet marketing services at a fair price. Answering a query, the company spokesperson said, "Having a Google My Business profile with a physical address is another vital component of a local SEO strategy. This allows small organizations to get a local map listing that will further drive traffic directly to the website or the business.

What is an academic search engine? | THE Campus Learn, Share, Connect - Times Higher Education

Knowing what has already been established within the field is the first step in any research project. So all researchers need to combine an in-depth understanding of their topic with a broad awareness of the discipline at large to push the boundaries of existing knowledge. But reconceptualising volumes of peer-reviewed literature over extended periods of time is not a straightforward process. How can academic search engines (ASEs) help streamline a literature search and allow researchers to better formulate insightful research questions? What is an academic search engine? Academic search engines aim to combine the convenience and power of web-based search engines with the rigour of peer-reviewed scholarly sources. In contrast to traditional academic databases, which often sit behind a paywall, most ASEs are freely accessible and often link to full-text research articles. ASE searches return publications that are sorted by topic and significance in the field, with the most frequ

Etsy Tweaks Search: Time to Review Your Listings - EcommerceBytes

How you write descriptions for your listings on Etsy matters even more now thanks to a change it made to its search algorithm. Etsy's search engine now scours listing descriptions for keywords in determining how to rank listings in search results.  That means how well you optimize your description could impact the visibility of your listings on Etsy. Etsy announced the change  on Tuesday  and provided tips for sellers on how to take advantage of it. Google and other search engines had already used listing descriptions when crawling the website - and keywords in other places remain essential for Etsy's search engine: "The keywords you use across your listing titles, tags, categories, and attributes are still essential when it comes to matching you to the right buyers." (Etsy has an article on Seller Handbook about  how Etsy search works .) Etsy explained how the latest change could help sellers: "Now that Etsy Search is looking

25+ SEO Words To Delete, Add, Or Reconsider In The Web3 Era - Search Engine Journal

🚨 Call the SEO word police. These days in the SEO world, sometimes it's more complicated than ever to tell what's hot and what's not when it comes to SEO terminology, phrases, and words. As brands and marketers start to embrace Web3, the next generation of the internet terms come and go. To ensure you are on top of it, we tapped the minds of the industry's leading SEO and digital marketing professionals to dissect the over-used, underrated, and up-and-coming SEO words. Just like styles change with the season, SEO changes with the algorithms and the modern times. What might have been last season's must-have buzzword just might be this year's red flag waiting for a Google penalty. Are we still talking about wearing black hats and white hats? Is this still a primarily male-dominated, exclusive industry? Are press releases still a tactic or a strategy? Some SEO words have just run their course, classifying them as overused, overvalued, and in some cases

4 Secrets Your SEO Agency Doesn't Want You To Know - Search Engine Journal

I've spent all 23 years of my advertising career in agencies. I've never had an "in-house" SEO job. I think working in an advertising agency – particularly in an agency that is great at search – is the best job in the world. I've worked with clients of all types and sizes, all over the world – including Fortune 10 companies as well as one-man businesses looking for leads. Believe it or not, even with all that experience, I'm still constantly surprised by new scenarios in the agency/client relationship. That being said, there are things most folks who haven't spent time in an agency wouldn't think about in the day-to-day that goes on between agency and client. I'm about to shed light on a few of those things. Being A Punching Bag Is Part Of The Job Television shows like Mad Men have made the advertising industry seem glamorous. The image of the shiny, modern glass building on Madison Avenue has lured many young hopefuls into learning

YouTube's Keyword Research Tool Available To Everyone This Month - Search Engine Journal

YouTube Search Insights, a tool designed to surface valuable keyword data, will be available to all channels later this month. The launch follows a limited test period that began in November, at which time YouTube offered everyone a preview of what to expect from Search Insights. YouTube hasn't significantly altered Search Insights since it was rolled out to select users months ago. If you were part of the test group, you can continue using the tool as you've grown accustomed to. For those who will be accessing Search Insights for the first time, here's more about what it is and how it can help with creating more successful content. What Is YouTube Search Insights? YouTube Search Insights is built to assist with content planning by providing data you can use to create more relevant content. Data surfaced by Search Insights will inform you about what your specific audience is searching for. In addition, you can get data on what the broader YouTube audience is s

Amazon ASIN and Reverse ASIN Lookup: What is it and how does it work? - Jungle Scout

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Amazon ASIN and Reverse ASIN Lookup: What is it and how does it work?    Jungle Scout

Bing content submission API now available to all - Search Engine Land

Microsoft has opened up its Bing content submission API after over two and half years of it being in a private beta. The content submission API is different from the Bing URL submission API, in that the content submission API lets you submit not just your URLs but also your content, images, HTML and more directly to Bing's index. Microsoft said "the API provides the ability for webmasters to notify Bing directly about the changes in their site content in real-time." Bing Content Submission API.  The Content Submission API is a method that enables websites to directly send content to Microsoft Bing whenever website contents is updated or created without waiting for BingBot crawl. This is different from the URL submission API. With the URL submission API you only can send URLs for Bing to crawl and index. With the Content Submission API you not only send the URL but you send along the your HTML, content, images and so on directly to Bing to index,

5 Google Chrome features that make it better than Microsoft Edge - TechRadar

If you want a web browser that can create documents, browse Twitter, and, play Banjo Kazooie through Game Pass, then Google Chrome is the browser to beat. However, compared to the late 90s, there's more than one web browser to choose from, with Opera, Firefox, Apple's Safari, and others that are trying to grab more market share. Yet Chrome is leading the way here, mainly thanks to its easy integration with Google's other apps and its web store. But with the retirement of Internet Explorer on June 15, users may be wondering if a move to Microsoft's Edge browser or Chrome is the best option. With this in mind, we've got five reasons why the move to Google Chrome would be a better choice for you. 1. Better support for Extensions (Image credit: AnchorFree) Chrome's Web Store (opens in new tab) has thousands of extensions (opens in new tab) that can change how Chrome works for you. One could be a coupon-finder, another could look for spelling mistakes when you wr

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